

MINDFULNESS-BASED OPEN-DOOR TRAINING (MB-ODT) is a Comprehensive and unique offering for our times.  It will be an invitation for you to lean into a practice with personal guidance and  a breadth of learning modes.  It will be based on many years of teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) here, the elements of contemplative practices of many traditions, and straightforward guidance for personal practice.  MB-ODT will include MBSR and other learning materials developed here.   This has been developed for our post-acute COVID times of online/personal learning as well as the challenges we face individually, in families, in our professions, in society at large.. It will include a free Orientation session on Thursday, June 23rd at 6pm (Book your place here), a  personal clarity orientation (Contact Brant soon to schedule your session), an ‘open door to all of my courses workshops listed here, and a private mindfulness-based life coaching session with me.   Begins anytime you wish this summer so you attend courses with an ‘open door’ all term (Contact Brant to register).

New Year’s Half-Day Retreat: Awakening Our Hearts to 2022. In-Person at Kove Yoga; 9am-Noon

Dear Folks; How would it be to begin 2022 shared; loving presence, nourishing movement, moments of kind stillness, and an invitation to the rich experience of life’s joy? All this in the atmosphere of the experiences you all shared last year about practicing together in our courses as described the word cloud and photos above.

Here is the link to register for the retreat at Kove Yoga on New Year’s morning OR just show up before 9am and pay cash or check as you wish

For this Annual Retreat we’ll invite our unique and personal way forward into 2022 through direct personal experiences of being grounded in the present, embodied with mindful compassionate movement, and encouraging the elements of life’s joy often overlooked in the pace of daily life.

There will be gentle mindful movement practice, simple meditative practice, progressive relaxation practice, kind reflection, periods of contemplation, poetry, and more.

Tuition is $30 though, as usual, if money is tight just show up and we’ll find a way to support you; scholarship, payment plan, or otherwise.  The most important thing is for you to be supported and to support the others that show up.

Questions about registration and showing up for this? Reach Out to Me!

Kindest Regards – –  Brant


In-Person Classes on the Way! Details here and a short video conversation with Tara and me about Kove Yoga in-person!

Dear Folks; Many of you asked for in-person classes and now they are here! It will be a joy to share this time with you in Kove Yoga’s open and beautiful space.

These will be in addition to all of our ongoing online classes!

Let’s share all the experiences you sent to me earlier this year and now in-person for a few classes.

Here is a short video with Tara, the owner of Kove Yoga, and me sharing some thoughts about teaching. I am so glad to know her and that we teach in the same open-hearted, attentive spirit.

Here is how in-person will work
(masks and vaccinations of course)

1. My in-person classes will be at Kove Yoga  in downtown Hillsboro a 30 second walk from my old classroom!
2. You will need to register and book with Kove Yoga directly with them to take my classes there.  Just go to their calendar  and click on a class you’d like to take and you’ll be prompted to register with Kove Yoga if you haven’t already, and then book your class.
3. There is a FREE PASS available when you register.  Here is the free pass code: FREECLASSBRANT. Just use it after you register and then book your free class. Any class there with any teacher!!
4. During Holiday Term I will teach these at Kove Yoga: 10:30am Gentle Mindfulness-Base Yoga on Mondays starting November 29th, and 6pm Beginning Mindfulness-Base Yoga on Thursdays, starting December .
2nd. In 2022 I will offer The New Year’s Half-Day Morning Retreat as we do each year,  and then MBSR in January.** Both in-person at Kove Yoga. Book Here ).
6. **I will of course continue all of my online courses with an All-Online-Class Holiday Pass** starting the week after Thanksgiving! As long as you show up I will be here for you one place or another!!!

Much Love. —  Brant

By-the-way, I taught a fall MBSR Silent Retreat a Kove Yoga and folks really enjoyed the beautiful classroom space.  Here it is with folks in progressive relaxation!

Your Answers to the Survey: “Are You Ready for In-Person Classes?” Thank you so very much! — Brant

Dear Folks;Have I told you recently how much I appreciate you all? I do. Every moment of every day. — Brant

Many dozens of you provided generous and thoughtful answers and comments to this simple survey. I am confident we are moving in a direction that is helpful as we enter 2022.

Let’s continue to find ways to meet life’s joys and challenges together during this era of monumental change; social, personal, family, local community.

The main results of the survey seem to be:

1. The large majority folks are very happy with online courses and willing to attend in-person when this pandemic has settled down in 2022.
2. Some folks haven’t or don’t attend online and will come back to classes once classes are in-person.
3. When folks noted which classes they would attend, online or in-person, the majority noted that either one would be fine though most preferred online classes.
4. Many folks noted that in-person once-in-a-while would be very welcomed such as periodic in-person themed workshops or gatherings.

Below is a graphic of the first question you answered:

Below is a graphic of the second question you answered:

Some of your comments and some of my thoughts about this survey:

One student noted, “I would love a retreat.”  I am hoping to offer a New Year’s Day Retreat as we have done for many years and in-person this coming January 1st. I will keep you posted.  I have been thinking about doing a multi-day retreat also.  Let’s see what we can do!  There were a number of folks who mentioned the desire to be in periodic theme-driven workshops and gatherings, even if in-person so let’s lean in that direction, “I would attend an in-person class from time to time if offered.”

There were a few folks who really long for in-person or avoid online classes with these comments, “In-person yoga a must,”  “Looking forward to in-person!!  “Especially weekends and 5:30 weekday classes!”  For those folks who really prefer or only want in-person classes I am going to provide them some recommendations for good teachers who teach in person.  Here to support you even to refer you to someone to support your practice.

Many folks still have concerns about COVID and/or prefer online and made these comments, “Can’t attend in-person classes because I’m out of state,”I may attend in person in 2022 if Covid cases are way down,” “I would feel comfortable if all would show proof of vaccination,” I’ll consider in-person once my son (11) is fully vaccinate,”  ” I do also really like the flexibility of not having to drive since I am in SW Portland so getting to Hillsboro means an hour of driving.”  “. . . my lung disease makes me highly vulnerable to any type of lung infection. And I don’t think I’d enjoy doing yoga while wearing a mask.”  Be assured online classes will continue as long as folks continue to show up!

There were many encouraging and heart-felt comments that help me continue to see value in sharing these practices!  Like these,  “So thankful for all that you do!”  “I appreciate your careful and thoughtful approach to meeting our needs.”Thank you for continuing to find creative ways to serve your devoted clientele.”  

I will continue to keep you informed and ask your opinion as we move forward. This is a challenging time for all of us so let’s find ways to meet life full-on and work with what we encounter with strength, compassion and worthy action.

Much Love —  Brant


Free Orientation Session September 22nd; 12:30pm for the 8-Week Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training for Healthcare Students, Instructors & Staff

This fall’s online training for health profession students, instructors and staff, the Toward Healing Presence (THP) for Ourselves & Others course will begin with the Orientation on Wednesday, September 22nd  at 12:30pm.   You may apply at anytime:  THP Online Application

THP is ‘open door’ to all of the other courses offered here this term. No tuition.

Many decades of published research and commentary indicates that the majority of clinicians and  health profession students in a host of fields as well as their patients benefit from the elemental self-care and other-care learned and practiced in mindfulness-based trainings: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Healthcare Providers, Mindfulness & Burnout in Occupational Therapy,  Mindful Practice, Mindfulness and Pharmacists, Mindfulness Burnout & Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy Students & Mindfulness Training, Mindfulness & Dental Hygiene Training, Optometrist View of Mindfulness in Career, and many more.

For students, clinicians, and patients the benefits occur commonly as:

  • Less reactivity
  • Greater energy
  • Reduction in pain levels
  • Better communications
  • A lasting ability to cope with stress
  • Lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms
  • A lasting ability to cope with stress
  • Greater acceptance of difficulty
  • Reduced anxiety

The course and orientation will be online via Zoom. You may want to attend the online THP Orientation on Wednesday, September 22nd at 12:30pm – Book Here.  To register for the course you must complete an brief conversation with me and submit a completed an online application.

Contact the Instructor, Brant Rogers, for preregistration if you have any questions what-so-ever

This 8-Week Course is an amalgamation of many years of training here; healthcare providers, first responders, high-stress professionals, students and the general public.  Elements of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindful Practice, and many other established and effective  learning modalities mentioned above will be incorporated into your course.

This course is sponsored by OHWI AHEC at Pacific University and the cost is free for students, staff, and faculty of Pacific University’s health care related programs.  Folks from other institutions can attend and contact the instructor if you have particular questions at all.

The curriculum includes elements of these:

  • Practicing a healing presence
  • Reduce the tendency for burnout
  • Colleagues, conflict, and teamwork
  • Being with suffering while embodying self-care.
  • Better communications with colleagues and patients
  • THP is ‘open door’ to all of the other courses offered here this term no tuition.
  • Exercises that help enhance effectiveness in student and professional life
  • Personal engagement with Brant Rogers, the instructor
  • Appreciative enquiry and group dialogue encouragement
  • Simple and guided home-practice assignments
  • Audio recordings and learning materials

Some History, Research & Clinical Results of Courses Here

You may want to read the review paper about my MBSR program and mindfulness in the Journal of Participatory Medicine coauthored by my colleagues, 15 local referring physicians, therapists, teachers and MBSR participants: Mindfulness in  Participatory Medicine Context and Relevance  Also, you may be interested in my clinical research paper coauthored by my colleague Dr. Michael Christopher there at Pacific University in the same Journal: Mindfulness, Self-Care, & Participatory 
Medicine- A Community’s Clinical Evidence.  Here is a link to some video interviews with recent MBSR students and below you’ll find a YouTube video of comments by alumni of my trainings.

Here is part of the evaluation from some THP participants in 2021:

Getting Started

Reach out to Brant if you have particular questions at all.

Our Fall Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) ‘Open Door Course’; Thursday, September 30th with an Orientation on the 23rd

Dear Folks;  Our fall MBSR-SH course with ‘Open Door’ meaning you can be my guest in all of my courses begins on Thursday September 30 at 6pm with an Orientation on Thursday the week before.

Note above the word cloud of comments offered by many recent MBSR-SH graduates to describe their experience of the course.

“I walk away from this course profoundly changed in how I see and
deal with everyday stresses.”
 MBSR-SH graduate, March ’21

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an extremely effective way of learning to care for ourselves by moderating the those sharp edges of stress. It has a large library of research proving its effectiveness.  This online version MBSR-SH  preserves that effectiveness using today’s tools appropriately.

“I found the group so nourishing and affirming.
The practice was simple but exponentially richer as we progressed.”  
– MBSR-SH graduate, March ’21

Come to the free online MBSR Orientation on Thursday, September 23rd  at 6pm.  Book Now.

If you have been thinking about the MBSR course there is still room this spring as folks begin registering online. Set aside concerns about tuition if you have been laid off, impacted by illness, or having trouble with funding. Just reach out to me and we’ll make this work for you; scholarships, payments over time, discounts.

“I’ve have been able to live day-to-day and enjoy many moments
without worrying about the unknown.

– MBSR-SH graduate, March ’21

With your registration you’ll be included in online courses of your choice with this ‘Open Door’ MBSR course to help you learn the way you wish: See my Course Schedule.

Reach out with questions  —  Brant

Where’s Brant? Where are we going next?

I was describing to one of my students the recent travels to natural areas in order to film yoga practices to help illustrate postures and flow for our online classes.  I described the many places that have been filmed.  I hadn’t realized how many!  She looked at me and said, “It’s like ‘Where’s Brant’ and I thought, “Of course . . . and where next?”

So I assembled this, short, 4-minute video to reflect a bit and share the sights and sounds of the past 18 months in the natural world as a way of sharing this practice.  Rather than ‘lock down’ and dread letting go of classrooms we came alive and evolved in a new way . . . in nature, our ultimate home.

Hope you enjoy!  —  Brant

Free Orientation this Wednesday, June 30th at 12:30pm: Toward a Healing Presence Toward Ourselves and Patients – A training for Pacific University Health Professions students, faculty & staff.

Many decades of published research and commentary indicates that the majority of clinicians and  health profession students in a host of fields as well as their patients benefit from the elemental self-care and other-care learned and practiced in mindfulness-based trainings: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Healthcare Providers, Mindfulness & Burnout in Occupational Therapy,  Mindful Practice, Mindfulness and Pharmacists, Mindfulness Burnout & Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy Students & Mindfulness Training, Mindfulness & Dental Hygiene Training, Optometrist View of Mindfulness in Career, and many more.

For students, clinicians, and patients the benefits occur commonly as:

  • Less reactivity
  • Greater energy
  • Reduction in pain levels
  • Better communications
  • A lasting ability to cope with stress
  • Lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms
  • A lasting ability to cope with stress
  • Greater acceptance of difficulty
  • Reduced anxiety

The next Toward Healing Presence (THP) for Ourselves & Others: Pacific University Health Professions students, clinicians, instructors will begin on Wednesday,  July 7th at 12:30pm with an opportunity to learn more at the Orientation the week prior,on June 30th at 12:30pm.  You may apply at anytime:  THP Online Application

This 8-Week Course is an amalgamation of many years of training here; healthcare providers, first responders, high-stress professionals, students and the general public.  Elements of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindful Practice, and many other established and effective  learning modalities mentioned above will be incorporated into your course.

This course is sponsored by OHWI AHEC at Pacific University and the cost is free for students, staff, and faculty of Pacific University’s health care related programs

The curriculum includes elements of these:

  • Practicing a healing presence
  • Reduce the tendency for burnout
  • Colleagues, conflict, and teamwork
  • Being with suffering while embodying self-care.
  • Better communications with colleagues and patients
  • Exercises that help enhance effectiveness in student and professional life
  • Personal engagement with Brant Rogers, the instructor
  • Appreciative enquiry and group dialogue encouragement
  • Simple and guided home-practice assignments
  • Audio recordings and learning materials

Some History, Research & Clinical Results of Courses Here

You may want to read the review paper about my MBSR program and mindfulness in the Journal of Participatory Medicine coauthored by my colleagues, 15 local referring physicians, therapists, teachers and MBSR participants: Mindfulness in  Participatory Medicine Context and Relevance  Also, you may be interested in my clinical research paper coauthored by my colleague Dr. Michael Christopher there at Pacific University in the same Journal: Mindfulness, Self-Care, & Participatory 
Medicine- A Community’s Clinical Evidence.  Here is a link to some video interviews with recent MBSR students and below you’ll find a YouTube video of comments by alumni of my trainings.

Here is part of the evaluation from THP participants in winter of 2021:

Getting Started

The course and orientation will be online via Zoom. You may want to attend the online THP Orientation on Wednesday, June 30th at 12:30pm – Book Here.  To register for the course you must complete an brief conversation with me and submit a completed an online application.

Reach out to Brant if you have particular questions at all.

Considering the Duress of the Heatwave and Our Practice Outdoors . . .

Hi Dear Folks;  This summer there will be Mindfulness-Based Yoga sessions shared in local parks on Monday evenings as well as some Sunday morning Mindfulness-Based Contemplative practices also in local parks.

The past week there has been unusual heat for such sessions though we have met and shared practice.  There was no air-conditioning or thermostats to adjust.  We simply made space and were able to offer an attentive, open presence and navigated our way with interest and curiosity.  Practice showed up without the burden of ‘too hot.’

Monday evening the 21st was our first session of the term and it was going to be above 90 degrees according to the forecast.  A number of folks chose to stay home which is of course prudent, especially with illness or physical difficulties.

However, as folks arrived and settled in beneath the Giant Sequoias and Lovely Big Leaf Maples and on the moist lawn of Bagely Park heat ceased to be a concern.  We just practiced each in our own appropriate and nourishing way.  All seemed to sense the value of this simple practice regardless of the concerns about heat that might have been before arriving.

Likewise, on Sunday morning we met for our Contemplative Session at Rood Bridge Park.  It was already very warm.  We sauntered to lovely Woodland Pond and the sweet, babbling creek that meanders in and out of the pond.  It was cool, moist and still for our sitting practice and kind, open conversation for the hour together.

Consider the possibility that meeting the duress of heat, cold, unlikely yoga postures, being still for long periods, and other challenges may evoke our natural, inherent capacities for meeting life’s challenges with robust vitality.  Not through pushing, controlling, ambition, or manipulating.  With openness, interest, patience, and curiosity.  We might be surprised.

Of course, of course there are extremes like this evening the 28th of June at well over 110 degrees where it is best for most of us to care for ourselves and stay inside.  Our session this evening is canceled appropriately.

Consider Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s scientific talk about the physiologic benefits of the duress of extreme heat and cold in Finnish saunas and cold water immersion.  Definite duress yet profound, well-documented and researched benefits: Use of Sauna and Cold to Increase Net Resilience, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, Mood and Longevity

I hope all this inspires and encourages you in the face of life’s challenges to be curious, interested, kind, and creative about how to meet what shows up.

Kindest Regards. —  Brant

BEING A FORCE OF NATURE: Three Thursday evenings of acknowledging & remembering our inherited vitality through simple practices; heart, mind & body

This is an ideal series for MBSR alumni who long to continue and enrich personal practice.  Also, for those just beginning an enquiry into a contemplative practice that opens doors to life’s possibilities, this will be appropriate and very accessible.

Learn about and practice ways of waking your unique abilities as we meet the challenges and joys of this era of transformation after this past year and a half.     Scholars, researchers, mystics, sages and everyday people over eons have
shared practices that evoke an inner stance that invites the foundational vitality in us to emerge more generously as we find our unique path in life; heart, mind and body.


This is a course that asks you to participate with your whole heart.  To lean into class time, personal practice, and earnest enquiry.  That whole-heartedness is the foundation for opening the door to remembering the grace, power, and vitality that lives below the surface of our many draining distractions.

This series will invited each of us to explore our unique possibilities for awaking inner life as the foundation for our path forward.  There will be learning about the evidence that points us to capacities most of us have never considered possible in the realms of contemplative/meditative practices, modes of physical exploration, how we nourish ourselves, breathing practices.  This series will be far less about following some orthodoxy and very much about listening, learning, and exploring these realms in our own unique way.

There will be assigned home-practice and study between our sessions with resources provided; readings, podcasts, videos, invitations to attend other classes online and in-person here this summer.  During our sessions we will practice and confer with one another about what and how we are learning.

The underlying purpose here is to awaken our own unique capacities to meet the challenges and joys of this era of immense transformation personally, with family, in community with friends/coworkers, and globally.  A tall order yet all we need is here in our lives and this will be an invitation to point life in that direction.

Online at 6pm on Three Thursdays, June 24th, July 15th, August 5th. Book Each Individual Thursday Class Here