
Toward a Healing Presence (THP): 8-week mindfulness-based training for Pacific University Health Professions

Many decades of published research and commentary indicates that the majority of clinicians and  health profession students in a host of fields as well as their patients benefit from the elemental self-care and other-care learned and practiced in mindfulness-based trainings: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Healthcare Providers, Mindfulness & Burnout in Occupational Therapy,  Mindful Practice, Mindfulness and Pharmacists, Mindfulness Burnout & Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy Students & Mindfulness Training, Mindfulness & Dental Hygiene Training, Optometrist View of Mindfulness in Career, and many more.

For students, clinicians, and patients the benefits occur commonly as:

  • Less reactivity
  • Greater energy
  • Reduction in pain levels
  • Better communications
  • A lasting ability to cope with stress
  • Lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms
  • A lasting ability to cope with stress
  • Greater acceptance of difficulty
  • Reduced anxiety

Join the next Toward Healing Presence (THP): Pacific University Health Professions students, clinicians, instructors: Dates, Times, Details.  The course will continue for eight weeks on Wednesdays.  You may apply at anytime:  THP Online Application.  Once you apply you will be placed on the course roster.

This 8-Week Course is an amalgamation of many years of training here; healthcare providers, first responders, high-stress professionals, students and the general public.  Elements of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), the curriculum of Mindful Practice, and many other established and effective  learning modalities mentioned above will be incorporated into your course.

This course is sponsored by OHWI AHEC at Pacific University and the cost is free for students, staff, and faculty of Pacific University’s health care related programs

The curriculum includes elements of these:

  • Practicing a healing presence
  • Reduce the tendency for burnout
  • Colleagues, conflict, and teamwork
  • Being with suffering while embodying self-care.
  • Better communications with colleagues and patients
  • Exercises that help enhance effectiveness in student and professional life
  • Personal engagement with Brant Rogers, the instructor
  • Appreciative enquiry and group dialogue encouragement
  • Simple and guided home-practice assignments
  • Audio recordings and learning materials

Some History, Research & Clinical Results of Courses Here

You may want to read the review paper about my MBSR program and mindfulness in the Journal of Participatory Medicine coauthored by my colleagues, 15 local referring physicians, therapists, teachers and MBSR participants: Mindfulness in  Participatory Medicine Context and Relevance  Also, you may be interested in my clinical research paper coauthored by my colleague Dr. Michael Christopher there at Pacific University in the same Journal: Mindfulness, Self-Care, & Participatory 
Medicine- A Community’s Clinical Evidence.  Here is a link to some video interviews with recent MBSR students and below you’ll find a YouTube video of comments by alumni of my trainings.

Here is part of the evaluation from THP participants in winter of 2021:

Getting Started

The course will be online via Zoom  To register for the course you must complete brief conversation with me and submit a completed an online application.

Reach out to Brant if you have particular questions at all.