
Mindfulness-Based Resilience & Life Coaching

My group trainings are very effective ways of helping folks enhance resilience, improve health, reduce stress, and achieve life balance, and a quality of ease. However, many people prefer to work one-to-one.  My Resilience & Life Coaching will support you in direct and tangible ways with personalized experiential learning designed to move you efffectively toward your intentions in life; 

  • allowing life’s joys and difficulties to live side-by-side
  • making lasting improvements in personal relationships
  • enhancing professional development, confidence, and optimism
  • learning to share what you have to make the world a better place
  • encouraging vitality, life balance, and a genuine, enduring mode of self-care
  • overcoming limiting beliefs and encouraging self-motivation, long-term
  • finding your unique, sustainable way to meet the difficult transitions in your life

One-to-one coaching is a natural outgrowth and complementary to my group trainings, courses and workshops while providing similar results.  You will be in the driver’s seat during coaching as you define your goals and intentions.  My job will be to listen deeply, learn and work with you to navigate life as you lean toward your intentions and define your path toward your most important life goals; big and small.  Common specific goals for my training participants and coaching clients include:

  • stress reduction 
  • weight management
  • chronic pain reduction
  • defining your career options
  • making a difficult life transition
  • finding a heart-felt direction in life
  • being more at home with yourself
  • finding a kind and open path in grieving
  • improving a close personal relationship
  • transforming a conflict into an opportunity
  • improving your balance, strength and  mobility
  • being mentored as a  mindfulness or yoga teacher
  • establishing a regular contemplative or meditation practice 

My mode of life coaching is an outgrowth of two decades of work with thousands of folks in group trainings, courses, workshops, and one-to-one consultations and coaching.  I meet folks where they are while supporting their deepest intentions for a better life.  

I get to know clients in the context of their larger life; family, relationships, workplace, health history, community, as well as their emotional and spiritual orientation.  From there we have a broad and compassionate context for leaning toward your life’s intentions and personal goals.  

The landmark works of a host of interventionists and thinkers including Jon Kabat-Zinn,   Milton Erickson,  Gregory Bateson,  Chloe Madones, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Tony Robbins, David Whyte  have been deeply influential in my work with clients and students.  I continue learning and incorporating some of the best methods of interpersonal work with in-depth studying at Robbins-Madanes Training.  To learn more see: My Bio.   

Kind Regards  — Brant 

Outline of my approach to working with you:

I begin coaching with a simple invitation to visit for a while, without expectation, in order to understand your intentions and life goals.  I call this a Clarity Session.  It is a courtesy to you and without obligation.

In that session you are invited to ask questions and help decide for yourself your best path toward your goals.  My mode and experience of coaching is that I trust that folks will decide their best route forward.  You may or may not be interested in coaching though if you are interested I may provide you with some contacts, physicians, therapists, trainings, other coaches,  or resources that will support you if I cannot.

If you decide you would like to move forward with Resilience and Life Coaching, we will fashion a program of coaching sessions suitable to your intentions and goals.  This may be for as few as a couple of sessions or may be a multi-week, multi-month series.  My mode of working with you will be as described above once we agree to move forward.  You will be in the driver’s seat as we work together toward tangible goals guided by your deepest intentions.

Reach out to me if this has inspired you to learn more.  We can arrange a complementary  Clarity Session about your goals and intentions.  We’ll do this via phone, Skype or in-person: Your Complementary Clarity Session.