Many students have arrived this week with a heavy heart, tears and difficulty over the political events of the past week. A few may have found something hopeful in the results of this political season. My hope is that whatever emerged for you as events unfolded can be an opportunity to meet what has emerged with a fullness, an openness. To meet this with less reactivity running the show; anger acted out, overwhelming sadness, thoughtless glee, or damaging comments. With more openness, willingness to grieve and learn, or acceptance of others viewpoints. Of course not so easy, yet over time this can be so much more loving and healing.
Can how you hold yourself, how you dress, how you meet others, how you nourish yourself, how you live now be an embodiment of the deepest intentions you have for caring and working toward a better life for yourself and those around you? Perhaps such an inclination lives deep in us and motivates us regardless of our political persuasion. I think that if we imagine that such a deep seated and universal human inclination can be accomplished by reacting out of fear, lashing out with anger, punishing others with resentment we will create much more difficulty regardless of our persuasion. Perhaps being vulnerable and accepting of the reality of the difficulties can guide us through this and toward actions that embody this inclination in a powerful and hopeful way.
Social worker Brene Brown describes the incredible positive power of being open and vulnerable to the difficulties of life, to what we want to avoid, to flee from in her TED talk, The Power of Vulnerability.
The singer Carrie Newcomer offers an encouraging song if you are struggling with disappointment and not knowing how to move forward: This Too Will Pass. To quote her lyrics “. . . it gets so dam hard . . . these times shine like jewels and will be all the brighter for what you’ve been through . . .”
I will never forget the simple quote I found on a wall many years ago. It has been such an encouragement over the years to offer personal vulnerability in the face of difficulty. To help meet this deep inclination for caring and working toward a better life together.
“We can do no great things. Only small things with great love. Don’t wait for others. Act now person to person.” – Mother Teresa
Be well my dear friends. Offer a fierce kindness as best you can. — Brant