Shared Meditation Evenings Online this Summer

June 21, 2021 @ 9:00 pm – 9:30 pm
The Stress Reduction Clinic & Yoga HIllsboro
Brant Rogers
503 640-6006

Sharing stillness, embodied and attentive presence,  openness, poetry and readings with one another during this contemplative practice each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening at 9pm.

Designed each evening to work with who arrives and how we might best encourage, nourish and support ourselves and one another.  No special prerequisites. Show up as you are and we’ll support one another and ourselves as we practice meeting this difficult era.

“These evenings have given me a community and support in a time when I needed them most.
Whatever I was going through, I knew I wasn’t alone. This community is the great gift of this pandemic.”

“Ending the day in this way brings calm and spaciousness to my busy life,
reminding me of what is ultimately important.”  – Cindy

“I am calm and focused on the moment and moments that continue which
makes the rest of my evening so nice, calming and centered.” – Linda

If the tuition for the full 30 sessions is a challenge because of job loss or other challenge reach out to Brant and we’ll work something out.  No problem.

About 30 minutes each evening on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.  ONLINE.

If you are ready.  Book Now