Our Paper about Mindfulness, MBSR, and Participatory Medicine with Many of Us Local Coauthors is Now Published

BrantRogers    Dear Students:  I am so honored, humbled and pleased to announce that our review/position paper about mindfulness in medicine and therapy has been recently published in the Journal of Participatory MedicineMindfulness in Participatory Medicine: 
Context & Relevance.   (here is a  downloadable copy of the paper  if you wish to print or save a copy.)

There are 15 of us local authors; doctors, teachers, therapists, and MBSR participants who worked to find a way to express a mutual understanding of how the practice of mindfulness as learned in the MBSR program was helpful for our patients and/or ourselves.

This paper, along with the basic clinical research paper about our work here to be published in a couple of weeks, makes a significant contribution to how medicine and therapy can be effective as a mutual, cooperative activity; part of a way of life that promotes healing and helps keep us well.  Doctors, therapists, psychologists, teachers, alternative practitioners and patients working together and supporting one another in the art and science of healing.  Mindfulness as a fundamental principle of this.

My sincere thanks to the authors and to everyone in our larger community as we support one another in these ways.  Kindest Regards – Brant

New Book: 101 Feelings Worth Losing Weight For, Illustrated by one of our students

DSCF1945 - Version 9  One of our dear students, Pam Jacobs, stopped in to share this book she has been working on with author Erin Zimmer.  Erin writes about her sweet story of yoga practice, transformation of heart, mind and body to eventually produce the book to help remind us to be embodied in a kind, compassionate way. Read the  summary of Erin’s story that Pam sent over

Pam also works with a group of artists, VIA Artistica, to “create a place that will allow people at all levels of artistic experience to expand their horizons though playing with art and sharing their experiences with others.”

Wonderful that our students are doing such work.  What are you doing?   Send me a note about your work and how yoga, mindfulness, and our work here has supported you.  Thanks – Brant

Jon Kabat-Zinn Talks about the Science of Mindfulness & MBSR on National Public Radio

A few of our students have mentioned this wonderful radio interview on NPR’s On Being program.  Jon, one of my teachers and the creator of MBSR,  expresses the heart of the practice of mindfulness and captures what I intend in the MBSR Programs and Mindful Yoga classes here.  I hope you enjoy his interview.  Kind Regards  —  Brant

Opening to Our Lives; Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Science of Mindfulness on NPR’s On Being program with Krista Tippett