In this series you will begin learning and practicing the postures, shapes and isolations that make up the foundation of strong bellydance technique. Throughout this series we will also be exploring bellydance as a tool to increase mindfulness as we build new pathways for communication between the mind and body. Bellydance, especially in this holiday series, is an empowering and healing form of movement that will help you connect deeply with your body in a loving and healthy way.
This series welcomes absolute beginners or anyone wanting to explore the restorative and meditative side of bellydance.
To learn more and register please visit:
or email [email protected]
Taught by Malkiera
The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness. We will gently introduce Inversions, backbends, more rigorous flow. Mindfulness during practice emphasized.
In the midst of the holiday season let’s practice meeting the difficulties and joys of life with a quality of gratitude. Gentle movement, contemplative practice and a gentle atmosphere as fertile ground to encourage gratitude this season.
You may have some inkling that a quality of gratitude is helpful even if bad things come your way. We’re less reactive, more hopeful, less stressed and so much more. In fact good research is telling us that a quality of gratitude has many benefits: Research – Proven Benefits of Gratitude.
Beyond the research and perhaps most important and most intuitive to us is this essential quality of a life well-lived. Here is a wonderful TED that captures this sense and the way we will consider gratitude during the morning: Gratitude TED. Also consider this radio interview on the program OnBeing that explores the depths and nature of gratitude: The Anatomy of Gratitude.
Please RSVP/Preregister so we have enough space for all! $15 to drop in or the All-Class-Holiday-Pass
Kind Regards — Brant
The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness.
You can register anytime through Yoga Hillsboro: Registration, costs, and other details
Nia ~ a fitness/dance/healing movement practice that draws on the martial, dance and meditative arts. It blends inspiring, soulful music with moves that make your body flexible & strong, your mind focused & relaxed. $12 to drop in or with Laurie’s ALL CLASS HOLIDAY PASS; $25. With Laurie Bass.
To register contact Laurie: [email protected]
A bright, dynamic approach to a this art. For those between beginning and intermediate levels of experience. $12 to drop in or with Laurie’s ALL CLASS HOLIDAY PASS; $25. With Laurie Bass.
To register contact Laurie: [email protected]
The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness.
Registration, costs, and other details
The three principles of Yin yoga are: 1) Come into an appropriate depth for your body in each pose; 2) Become still; 3) Hold for a long time. This can mean up to 3-5 minutes per pose. What is important is not what a pose looks like, but what it feels like… we use many props in Yin yoga to support our bodies in releasing into the connective tissues rather than specifically stretching the muscles. Yin yoga is not restorative yoga, in that we are still looking for some stress to the tissues in order to create optimal health. Yin targets mainly the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis and lower spine.A slower moving class focusing on floor postures. All levels welcome.“We don’t use our bodies to get into the pose, we use the pose to get into the body”, according to my teacher, Bernie Clark.
The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness.
Registration, costs, and other details
The gentle form of poses, simple flow, introduction postures and kind attention to sensations as you move.
Registration, costs, and other details