This is an ideal series for MBSR alumni who long to continue and enrich personal practice. Also, for those just beginning an enquiry into a contemplative practice that opens doors to life’s possibilities, this will be appropriate and very accessible.
Learn about and practice ways of waking your unique abilities as we meet the challenges and joys of this era of transformation after this past year and a half. Scholars, researchers, mystics, sages and everyday people over eons have
shared practices that evoke an inner stance that invites the foundational vitality in us to emerge more generously as we find our unique path in life; heart, mind and body.
This is a course that asks you to participate with your whole heart. To lean into class time, personal practice, and earnest enquiry. That whole-heartedness is the foundation for opening the door to remembering the grace, power, and vitality that lives below the surface of our many draining distractions.
This series will invited each of us to explore our unique possibilities for awaking inner life as the foundation for our path forward. There will be learning about the evidence that points us to capacities most of us have never considered possible in the realms of contemplative/meditative practices, modes of physical exploration, how we nourish ourselves, breathing practices. This series will be far less about following some orthodoxy and very much about listening, learning, and exploring these realms in our own unique way.
There will be assigned home-practice and study between our sessions with resources provided; readings, podcasts, videos, invitations to attend other classes online and in-person here this summer. During our sessions we will practice and confer with one another about what and how we are learning.
The underlying purpose here is to awaken our own unique capacities to meet the challenges and joys of this era of immense transformation personally, with family, in community with friends/coworkers, and globally. A tall order yet all we need is here in our lives and this will be an invitation to point life in that direction.
Online at 6pm on Three Thursdays, June 24th, July 15th, August 5th. Book Each Individual Thursday Class Here
Sharing stillness, embodied and attentive presence, openness, poetry and readings with one another during this contemplative practice each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening at 9pm.
Designed each evening to work with who arrives and how we might best encourage, nourish and support ourselves and one another. No special prerequisites. Show up as you are and we’ll support one another and ourselves as we practice meeting this difficult era.
“These evenings have given me a community and support in a time when I needed them most.
Whatever I was going through, I knew I wasn’t alone. This community is the great gift of this pandemic.”
“Ending the day in this way brings calm and spaciousness to my busy life,
reminding me of what is ultimately important.” – Cindy
“I am calm and focused on the moment and moments that continue which
makes the rest of my evening so nice, calming and centered.” – Linda
If the tuition for the full 30 sessions is a challenge because of job loss or other challenge reach out to Brant and we’ll work something out. No problem.
About 30 minutes each evening on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. ONLINE.
If you are ready. Book Now
We introduce a physically more lively practice including Inversions, backbends, rigorous flow. Mindfulness during practice emphasized.
Review details of Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Each Class of the 10-Week Course Online
The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness, online.
Review details of Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Each Class of the 10-Week Course Online
This free Orientation will help you understand what the MBSR-SH 8-Week Program is all about. You will meet me and learn some new things about MBSR; history, research and curriculum.
You must interview with me and apply if you plan to register for the training. We can do that before or after the Orientation if you wish. I will make time to do so If you are ready submit a completed an online MBSR Application . Just reach out to me.
You may just want to attend and learn something new and helpful with some nice people. This is open to all who may be interested in MBSR. Come as my guest.
Reach out to me if you have questions or want to apply for the course: Contact
See my MBSR page for more details about the training
If you are ready you can begin Online Booking
Sharing practice as we move gently, sit in stillness, recline in progressive relation, and visit with one another about our practice and learn more about the value of practice personally and for those around us.
Gathering at a local park or public space for sessions of shared practice, stillness, and enquiry rather than a formal course with no tuition as required by the park guidelines.
We’ll meet each session at Rood Bridge Park on the grassy knoll near the tall tree, across the street, east of the tennis courts. And please Book Each individual Session Here to be notified of changes, cancellation or otherwise.
Sharing stillness, embodied and attentive presence, openness, poetry and readings with one another during this contemplative practice each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening at 9pm.
Designed each evening to work with who arrives and how we might best encourage, nourish and support ourselves and one another. No special prerequisites. Show up as you are and we’ll support one another and ourselves as we practice meeting this difficult era.
“These evenings have given me a community and support in a time when I needed them most.
Whatever I was going through, I knew I wasn’t alone. This community is the great gift of this pandemic.”
“Ending the day in this way brings calm and spaciousness to my busy life,
reminding me of what is ultimately important.” – Cindy
“I am calm and focused on the moment and moments that continue which
makes the rest of my evening so nice, calming and centered.” – Linda
If the tuition for the full 30 sessions is a challenge because of job loss or other challenge reach out to Brant and we’ll work something out. No problem.
About 30 minutes each evening on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. ONLINE.
If you are ready. Book Now
The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness.
Review details of Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Each Class of the 10-Week Course Online
A safe and friendly introduction to yoga, appropriate for those wanting to try an accessible form of yoga or for those who have had injuries in the past. We will practice movements that teach yoga alignment in ways that are available to most everyone. We will practice relaxation as well as develop strength and flexibility. Easy and modified yoga poses will be explored. Your physician should release you for general physical activity.
Review details of Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Each Class of the 10-Week Course Online