This is a series and general overview of the information and yoga postures laid out in Dr. Loren Fishman’s book Yoga for Arthritis. This series will be both informational and experiential. There will be readings and weekly assignments so please be prepared to do homework based on his book and some of his other writings. Simple, modified postures outlined in Dr. Fishman’s book will be introduced and reviewed.
Read and watch these before class one: Mind-Based Therapies and Back Pain, Yoga Can Help Manage Pain, and the article Mindfulness for Chronic Pain in Psychology Today. Watch Dr. Fishman’s interview about arthritis on YouTube
Talk over and get a referral with your healthcare provider prior to registration if you are in an acute phase of arthritis or pain.
This will be a full learning experience class with homework and requires Pre-register and commitment to complete the series. Dr. Fishman’s book is included with your tuition if you register by October 5th. If you do not preregister by October 5th and there is still room after that date please make sure you have a copy of the book by class one on October 15th. Readings from Dr. Fishman’s book will be part of your homework each week.
$85 for the series; Mondays, October 15th, 22nd & 29th; 7-8:30pm Contact Brant for details: Contact Brant to pre-register.