Winter Course Schedule for Toward a Healing Presence (THP): the Mindfulness-Based Online Course for Pacific University Students, Clinicians, & Faculty

April 7, 2021 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Yoga Hillsboro & The Stress Reduction Clinic
Brant Rogers
503 640-6006

Toward a Healing Presence (THP) the Mindfulness-Based Winter Course Online Starting Wednesday, February 17th at 12:30pm


Below are the details of this course.  Use the Contact Form to advise Brant of your interests and ask questions or if you want to register for the course now complete the THP Online Appication Form:

Program Structure:

  • Thoroughly review the information below as well as the general course information. 
  • This course will be one hour one day per week for 8 weeks. Plus. . . 
  • There will be a free THP Orientation on Wednesday, February 10th at 12:30pm for those interested in the course.
  • For the course we will be meeting each Wednesday from 12:30 to 1:30pm from February 17th through March 18th.
  • Please make a commitment to do home practice each day you are not in class during the Program; for at least 15 minutes.  Home practice is at the heart of learning in this course
  • This course is sponsored by OHWI AHEC at Pacific University and the cost is free for students, staff, and faculty of Pacific University’s health care related programs.

To enter the THP course  1) Thoroughly review the information above as well as the general course information.  2). Attend the Orientation on February 10th at 12:30pm to help make sure this course is right for you.  3) Complete an online THP Application    4) You will then be provided the Zoom link for the full course starting February 17th at 12:30pm.

Questions about THP? Learn more or contact Brant.