
Gentle Mindfulness-Based Yoga, Wednesday Mornings Online this Fall

November 10, 2021 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Yoga HIllsboro
Brant Rogers
503 640-6006

A safe and friendly introduction to yoga, appropriate for those wanting to try an soothing and accessible form of yoga or for those who have had injuries or physical limitations in the past.  There will be time devoted to visiting with students at the beginning of class to tailor the class for the student in class that morning.  The approach to practice and learning will be an invitation to direct personal experience so that each student is invited to move and learn in their own unique way.

We will practice movements that teach yoga alignment in ways that are available to most everyone. We will practice relaxation as well as invite  mindful movement to encourage balance,  strength and flexibility. Easy and modified yoga poses will be explored. Your physician should release you for general physical activity if you have a physical challenge.

Review details of  Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Each Class of the 10-Week Course Online