Explore yoga in a safe, supportive, noncompetitive setting. Learn the basic breathing, movement, and meditation exercises that can help you be stronger, more relaxed and healthier. Each class will teach and practice a variety of yoga techniques. Welcoming all ages and abilities, Introduction to Yoga is a fun and enjoyable way to start a yoga practice.
When: Thursdays at 5:30PM until 6:45PM. First class: 3/28/2019
Note: There will be no class on April 25, May 2 or May 9.
Where: Yoga Hillsboro, 232 NE Lincoln St. Suite 0, Hillsboro, 97124
Cost: 7 class Winter Term: $63. Drop in any class: $9
Contact: John McGinity
Email: [email protected]
Contact John to register.
Explore yoga in a safe, supportive, noncompetitive setting. Learn the basic breathing, movement, and meditation exercises that can help you be stronger, more relaxed and healthier. Each class will teach and practice a variety of yoga techniques. Welcoming all ages and abilities, Introduction to Yoga is a fun and enjoyable way to start a yoga practice.
When: Thursdays at 5:30PM until 6:45PM. First class: 3/28/2019
Note: There will be no class on April 25, May 2 or May 9.
Where: Yoga Hillsboro, 232 NE Lincoln St. Suite 0, Hillsboro, 97124
Cost: 7 class Winter Term: $63. Drop in any class: $9
Contact: John McGinity
Email: [email protected]
Contact John to register.

By appointment only on Thursdays Dec 12th; at one of these times – 5:30, 6, 6:30 or 7pm with Nutritionist Kristin Kinnie MScN, MSW. Make an Appointment

Natural, organic, non-GMO, heart healthy, 0g trans fat – what do these nutrition claims mean? And what do you look for when purchasing processed and/or prepared food at the store?
If you consume any processed food in your diet (we all do – it’s hard not to!), this course will help you understand what’s in your food and how to make the healthiest choices possible when purchasing processed and/or prepared foods. This course will cover how to read labels, understand nutrition claims on packaging, and what to look for/what to avoid. You will walk away with tips and tricks that will help you be a smart consumer who can choose the foods that are best for you and your body, as well as make sure you know what’s in your food J
Tuition is $30. For more information and to register: contact Kristin Kinnie MScN, MSW at Fully Alive Nutrition, [email protected], or 971 770-3400.
Saturday, February 22nd; 1-2:30pm. With Malkiera.
For details and registration: Mindful Bellydance

Eat well, feel better!
This class will explore the connection between what you eat and how you feel. You’ll learn about the gut-brain axis and how making changes in your diet can help your mood, including reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. You’ll walk away with practical tips and a list of good mood foods to help you feel better through nutrition!
Note: It’s recommended, but not required, that you take the Happy, Healthy, Gut class prior to taking Good Mood Food.
Tuition is $30. For more information and to register: contact Kristin Kinnie MScN, MSW at Fully Alive Nutrition, [email protected], or 971 770-3400.
In this ongoing series you will begin learning the postures, shapes and isolations that make up the foundation of strong bellydance technique. Throughout this series we will also be exploring bellydance as a tool to increase mindfulness as we build new pathways for communication between the mind and body. Bellydance is an empowering and healing form of movement that will help you connect deeply with your body in a loving and healthy way.
This series is designed for the absolute beginner or anyone wanting to explore the restorative and meditative side of bellydance.
To learn more and register for this online class please visit:
or email [email protected]
Taught by Malkiera
In this ongoing series you will begin learning the postures, shapes and isolations that make up the foundation of strong bellydance technique. Throughout this series we will also be exploring bellydance as a tool to increase mindfulness as we build new pathways for communication between the mind and body. Bellydance is an empowering and healing form of movement that will help you connect deeply with your body in a loving and healthy way.
This series is designed for the absolute beginner or anyone wanting to explore the restorative and meditative side of bellydance.
To learn more and register for this online class please visit:
or email [email protected]
Taught by Malkiera
In this ongoing series you will begin learning the postures, shapes and isolations that make up the foundation of strong bellydance technique. Throughout this series we will also be exploring bellydance as a tool to increase mindfulness as we build new pathways for communication between the mind and body. Bellydance is an empowering and healing form of movement that will help you connect deeply with your body in a loving and healthy way.
This series is designed for the absolute beginner or anyone wanting to explore the restorative and meditative side of bellydance.
To learn more and register for this online class please visit:
or email [email protected]
Taught by Malkiera

You are what you eat … and HOW you eat!
Both what you eat and how you eat can affect your digestion and absorption of food. And, healthy digestion is vital to your overall health and wellbeing. This course will cover how digestion works in the body, why it’s important, and how to optimize digestion and absorption of food. We’ll also talk about how gut imbalances can lead to common digestive symptoms and complaints. This course is great for those who have digestive issues as well as those who are looking to improve their health through a happy, healthy, gut.
Tuition is $30. For more information and to register: contact Kristin Kinnie MScN, MSW at Fully Alive Nutrition, [email protected], or 971 770-3400. more details and – Book Now