

The Be-Well Gathering: To Cure, to Heal, and to Be Resilient
Jan 27 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Medical and psychotherapeutic treatments can often be miraculous in their ability to cure a pathology.  A wonderful gift modern science offers us.  That is only part of the story.  

Our innate capacity to heal is the larger story, the context of living well even in the face a severe illness.  The relationships we have with our physicians, therapists, families, friends and with our minds and bodies are that larger context of health and well-being.  However important these relationships are, they are too often ignored or minimized in our fast-paces, goal-oriented  world striving to cure with is wrong with us.

We have the privilege of sharing the evening with counseling psychologist Dr. Stephanie Conn, the author of her upcoming book on meeting stress and enhancing resilience, Increasing Resilience in Police and Emergency Personnel: Strengthening Your Mental Armor.  She will be in conversation with us about her experience supporting folks in high-stress professions as they do their best with her and her colleagues to heal, stay well, and be resilient in the face of immense stress.




Also, during the evening we may listen to some of the wisdom of physician  Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen on her OnBeing radio interview on NPR’s Onbeing program:  Listening Generously.

We may also share some passages from her best-selling books about the art and science of medicine in the context of healing:  Kitchen Table Wisdom.  She is no stranger to acute illness having been diagnosed with a debilitating and life=threatening illness in  her teens that her doctors said would kill her by her 40th birthday.  She is now nearing 80 having had a thriving medical practice, many years of training physicians, and two best-selling books about the art of healing in one’s unique, personal and powerful way.

So. . . . Let’s have a conversation with one another about this during this evening together.

 Bring along your willingness to have a conversation, enjoy yourself, learn, and meet some nice people.

All welcome to this event.  Register to RSVP because there is limited space.  Saturday, January 27th; 5-6:30pm.  Hope to share this with you!  —  Brant

RSVP Preregistration Please to make sure we have room

You may want to share the evening with a loved one.  —


  •  Aybla Grill, 180 E. Main Street #105, Hillsboro OR 503-372-9628. Outstanding Mediterranean fusion
  • Insomnia Coffee Company.  Open early and late in downtown Hillsboro.  Good beverages, pastries, and wifi.  Good place to informally hang out
  • Syun, 209 NE Lincoln (503 640-3131) superb Japanese
  • Pissario, 337 East Main (503 693-7953) Italian
  • Primrose and Tumbleweeds, 248 East Main (503 703-8525) good food, large wine selection and nice atmosphere
  • McNally’s Taproom, 370 East Main (503 268-1429) food and brews
Nia Sunday, Winter
Jan 28 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Nia ~ a fitness/dance/healing movement practice that draws on the martial, dance and meditative arts. It blends inspiring, soulful music with moves that make your body flexible & strong, your mind focused & relaxed.

Contact Laurie at this link to register:  HERE

Nia Sunday, Winter
Feb 4 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Nia ~ a fitness/dance/healing movement practice that draws on the martial, dance and meditative arts. It blends inspiring, soulful music with moves that make your body flexible & strong, your mind focused & relaxed.

Contact Laurie at this link to register:  HERE

Nia Sunday, Winter
Feb 11 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Nia ~ a fitness/dance/healing movement practice that draws on the martial, dance and meditative arts. It blends inspiring, soulful music with moves that make your body flexible & strong, your mind focused & relaxed.

Contact Laurie at this link to register:  HERE

Nia Sunday, Winter
Feb 18 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Nia ~ a fitness/dance/healing movement practice that draws on the martial, dance and meditative arts. It blends inspiring, soulful music with moves that make your body flexible & strong, your mind focused & relaxed.

Contact Laurie at this link to register:  HERE

Nia Sunday, Winter
Feb 25 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Nia ~ a fitness/dance/healing movement practice that draws on the martial, dance and meditative arts. It blends inspiring, soulful music with moves that make your body flexible & strong, your mind focused & relaxed.

Contact Laurie at this link to register:  HERE

Nia Sunday, Winter
Mar 4 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Nia ~ a fitness/dance/healing movement practice that draws on the martial, dance and meditative arts. It blends inspiring, soulful music with moves that make your body flexible & strong, your mind focused & relaxed.

Contact Laurie at this link to register:  HERE

Nia Sunday, Winter
Mar 11 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Nia ~ a fitness/dance/healing movement practice that draws on the martial, dance and meditative arts. It blends inspiring, soulful music with moves that make your body flexible & strong, your mind focused & relaxed.

Contact Laurie at this link to register:  HERE

Nia FUNdamentals Workshop
Apr 7 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

A  great intro to Nia for new people, a way to strengthen fundamentals for current students. Contact me for more details and to register;  Laurie

How to Make the World a Better Place; Personally, Loved Ones, Community, the World. The Spring Be-Well Gathering
May 5 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm


We are honored that Laurie Huffman MS, The Executive Director of the Oregon School-Based Health Alliance will join us.  She has many  years of experience working in organizations that help to make the world a better place.  So glad to have her in our conversation this evening to share some of the heart of what may help us make the world a better place.

Let’s spend part of an evening considering how we might make a better world following each others ideas and learning from those who have pondered and acted directly themselves and have provided suggestions:

Before one of my recent classes there was a passionate discussion about politics. Lots of heated commentary about one of the recent spates of national political turmoil.  I usually don’t comment on politics or such distracting topics during class but I did chime in.

The atmosphere was heavy with difficult and heavy emotion.  In response to my suggestion to consider pointing difficult emotions and energy about the world toward some constructive, person-to-person act of kindness or contribution, one of my students became agitated and said that such things won’t help at all and are useless in the face of mean-spirited powerful people and organizations.

I always appreciate and accept students’ comments and work diligently to create an atmosphere that is open to the honesty of the moment.  That said, I fully disagree with that student and I believe what I said was misunderstood; we affect the world with each of our actions and most powerfully so in direct contact with others and often in very simple and direct ways.  This can point passion and anger through us in a useful and helpful way and can effect the world in ways we can’t predict; large and small.

This has been referred to as the Butterfly Effect and has grown to be recognized as a physical phenomena in weather systems and nature.  Many consider is so in society as well.  I know that very direct and earnest acts of contribution, whether offering a kind word or an act of tough love, are the way to make a difference in the world and to move our frustrated energy in a helpful and unexpectedly powerful directions.  Even those who make a positive difference seeming to act on the world stage (i.e. Martin Luther King, Helen Keller, those who award the Nobel prize each year, so many more)  who seem to change the world mostly act directly, earnestly, and simply with those around them to make a difference.

Hope to see you here!  Please RSVP to this free event assure there is enough room for all!  Kind Regards  —  Brant