While still adhering to the principles of breath-centered yoga this class is a softer practice that includes slower movement combined with postures where the body is supported using props (blankets, blocks and bolsters). Practitioners are encouraged to hold the supported postures longer and find comfort in each pose. This is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress from a long day and restore body, mind and heart. Includes some guided meditation.
Gentle/Restorative Fee Schedule:
Drop in – any time during the terms weekly classes: $10 per class.
Class Passes (For the current 10 week term only):
One class/week (10 classes) – $80. Two classes/week (20 classes) – $140
Thanks! Mary To find out more and register I invite you to visit my website at or contact me at
While still adhering to the principles of breath-centered yoga this class is a softer practice that includes slower movement combined with postures where the body is supported using props (blankets, blocks and bolsters). Practitioners are encouraged to hold the supported postures longer and find comfort in each pose. This is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress from a long day and restore body, mind and heart. Includes some guided meditation.
Gentle/Restorative Fee Schedule:
Drop in – any time during the terms weekly classes: $10 per class.
Class Passes (For the current 10 week term only):
One class/week (10 classes) – $80. Two classes/week (20 classes) – $140
Thanks! Mary To find out more and register I invite you to visit my website at or contact me at
While still adhering to the principles of breath-centered yoga this class is a softer practice that includes slower movement combined with postures where the body is supported using props (blankets, blocks and bolsters). Practitioners are encouraged to hold the supported postures longer and find comfort in each pose. This is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress from a long day and restore body, mind and heart. Includes some guided meditation.
Gentle/Restorative Fee Schedule:
Drop in – any time during the terms weekly classes: $10 per class.
Class Passes (For the current 10 week term only):
One class/week (10 classes) – $80. Two classes/week (20 classes) – $140
Thanks! Mary To find out more and register I invite you to visit my website at or contact me at
The Poem My Teachers:
Audio PlayerFrom 13 Meditations on the Blessings of Loss in Relationship by Brant Rogers
While still adhering to the principles of breath-centered yoga this class is a softer practice that includes slower movement combined with postures where the body is supported using props (blankets, blocks and bolsters). Practitioners are encouraged to hold the supported postures longer and find comfort in each pose. This is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress from a long day and restore body, mind and heart. Includes some guided meditation.
Gentle/Restorative Fee Schedule:
Drop in – any time during the terms weekly classes: $10 per class.
Class Passes (For the current 10 week term only):
One class/week (10 classes) – $80. Two classes/week (20 classes) – $140
Thanks! Mary To find out more and register I invite you to visit my website at or contact me at
While still adhering to the principles of breath-centered yoga this class is a softer practice that includes slower movement combined with postures where the body is supported using props (blankets, blocks and bolsters). Practitioners are encouraged to hold the supported postures longer and find comfort in each pose. This is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress from a long day and restore body, mind and heart. Includes some guided meditation.
Gentle/Restorative Fee Schedule:
Drop in – any time during the terms weekly classes: $10 per class.
Class Passes (For the current 10 week term only):
One class/week (10 classes) – $80. Two classes/week (20 classes) – $140
Thanks! Mary To find out more and register I invite you to visit my website at or contact me at
Watch this incredible documentary together here. LINK TO DETAILS
Donaldson Correctional Facility is situated in the Alabama countryside southwest of Birmingham. 1,500 men, considered the state’s most dangerous prisoners, live behind high security towers and a double row of barbed and electrical wire fences.
Within this dark environment, a spark was ignited. A growing network of men had been gathering to meditate on a regular basis. Intrigued by this, Jenny Phillips, cultural anthropologist and psychotherapist, first visited Donaldson Correctional Facility in the fall of 1999. She planned to observe the meditation classes facilitated by inmates and to interview the inmate meditators about their lives as prisoners.
RSVP Please — FREE
See you here — Brant
Be my guest on Saturday, October 22; 6-7:30pm
Learn more about how mindfulness practice can be helpful for you, your colleagues, and those you serve. Practice a little together. 1.5 hour certificate of completion is included as a courtesy. There is no tuition for this event.
An event for licensed physicians and therapists. There is limited space. RSVP to make sure there is room if you want to attend.
503 640-6006 or
You may want to make an evening of it in downtown Hillsboro with a friend or dear one. There are many wonderful restaurants a short stroll from my classrooms:
- The Venetian, 253 East Main Street (503 693-3953) excellent service and local history
- Syun, 209 NE Lincoln (503 640-3131) superb Japanese
- Pissario, 337 East Main (503 693-7953) Italian
- Primrose and Tumbleweeds, 248 East Main (503 703-8525) good food, large wine selection and nice atmosphere
- McNally’s Taproom, 370 East Main (503 268-1429) food and brews
The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness.
Registration, costs, and other details
Reduce Stresses through Loving Kindness!
Taught by Sarana Pallebage
Loving Kindness, or Metta, as called in Pali Language is unconditional, inclusive love, a love with wisdom. This is a meditation of care, concern, tenderness, loving kindness, friendship. A feeling of warmth for oneself and others. The practicing is the softening of the mind and heart, an opening to deeper and deeper levels of the feeling of kindness, of pure love.
Come as you are. Free and everyone welcome. RSVP only. Space is limited.
Pallebage Sarana Thera is a bhikkhu from Sri Lanka. He completed his monastic education and training in Vihara Maha Devi Pirivena, Galle. After completing his education, he taught at the same pirivena for nearly two years. Furthermore, he studied Meditation, Mahayana Buddhism and Chinese language (Mandarin) in Taiwan for three years. Now he is a resident monk and an assistant to the abbot at Oregon Buddhist Vihara, where he conducts children’s dhamma school program and spiritual activities. This is short description about me. Here is the website for Sarana’s monastery in Hillsboro: