

Beginning Mindful Yoga Tuesday Evenings Online this Holiday Term
Dec 15 @ 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness.

Register anytime through Yoga Hillsboro: Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Online




Gentle Mindful Yoga, Wednesday Mornings Online this Holiday Term
Dec 16 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

A safe and friendly introduction to yoga, appropriate for those wanting to try an accessible form of yoga or for those who have had injuries in the past. We will practice movements that teach yoga alignment in ways that are available to most everyone. We will practice relaxation as well as develop strength and flexibility. Easy and modified yoga poses will be explored. Your physician should release you for general physical activity.

Register anytime through Yoga Hillsboro: Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Online




Intermediate Mindful Yoga, Wednesday Evenings Online this Holiday Term
Dec 16 @ 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

We introduce a physically more lively practice including Inversions, backbends, rigorous flow.  Mindfulness during practice emphasized.

Register anytime through Yoga Hillsboro: Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Online



Shared Meditation Evenings Online this Holiday Term
Dec 16 @ 9:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Sharing stillness, embodied and attentive presence,  openness, poetry and readings with one another during this contemplative practice each evening, seven days a week.  Designed each evening to work with who arrives and how we might best encourage, nourish and support ourselves and one another.  No special prerequisites. Show up as you are and we’ll support one another and ourselves as we practice meeting this difficult era.  About 30 minutes each evening on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.

If you are ready.  Book Now

Holiday Progressive Relaxation Practice
Dec 17 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

This is an evening to practice and learn more about methods of deep relaxation you can embody at home during the holidays.

Modes of restorative practice such as progressive relaxation, body scan, and mindful pause will be included.

Book Here

Shared Meditation Evenings Online this Holiday Term
Dec 18 @ 9:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Sharing stillness, embodied and attentive presence,  openness, poetry and readings with one another during this contemplative practice each evening, seven days a week.  Designed each evening to work with who arrives and how we might best encourage, nourish and support ourselves and one another.  No special prerequisites. Show up as you are and we’ll support one another and ourselves as we practice meeting this difficult era.  About 30 minutes each evening on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.

If you are ready.  Book Now

Intermediate Mindful Yoga Saturday Online this Holiday Term
Dec 19 @ 8:30 am – 9:30 am

We introduce a physically more lively practice including Inversions, backbends, rigorous flow.  Mindfulness during practice emphasized.

Register anytime through Yoga Hillsboro: Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Online


Beginning Mindful Yoga – Saturdays – Online this Holiday Term
Dec 19 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness.

Register anytime through Yoga Hillsboro: Registration, costs, and other details  and then Book Online



Prayers Offered for My Students, Friends, Family & Others During the Weeks of Christmas & New Year
Dec 20 @ 7:30 am – 8:00 am

Dear Folks;  I will be spending the weeks of Christmas and New Year in a daily practice of meditation, prayer, generous  work, and fasting.  Like you I will be preparing for our life’s transitions; personal transitions in health, evolution of our family, letting go of my classrooms, assembling and offering Blessing Bundles for students, encouraging a better life for all of us socially, economically, environmentally, and politically in the year ahead.

If you would like me to offer prayers for you, loved one(s), or anything else during this time I will be in prayer each morning of these two weeks and would be glad to note your request in my prayer book.  You can be assured that each morning I will be offering prayers that will include those you request.

Below is a form for your prayer request.  You do not need to offer your name because I know some requests might be very personal.  Just make a note of what or who you would like prayer offered for and any details you would like me to include.

Of course you will all be in my prayers regardless.

Much love this season. —  Brant


Morning Prayer Offering


Prayers Offered for My Students, Friends, Family & Others During the Weeks of Christmas & New Year
Dec 21 @ 7:30 am – 8:00 am

Dear Folks;  I will be spending the weeks of Christmas and New Year in a daily practice of meditation, prayer, generous  work, and fasting.  Like you I will be preparing for our life’s transitions; personal transitions in health, evolution of our family, letting go of my classrooms, assembling and offering Blessing Bundles for students, encouraging a better life for all of us socially, economically, environmentally, and politically in the year ahead.

If you would like me to offer prayers for you, loved one(s), or anything else during this time I will be in prayer each morning of these two weeks and would be glad to note your request in my prayer book.  You can be assured that each morning I will be offering prayers that will include those you request.

Below is a form for your prayer request.  You do not need to offer your name because I know some requests might be very personal.  Just make a note of what or who you would like prayer offered for and any details you would like me to include.

Of course you will all be in my prayers regardless.

Much love this season. —  Brant


Morning Prayer Offering