

Christmas & New Year’s Term Break
Dec 21 2020 – Jan 3 2021 all-day

This is a break between teaching terms.  There will be special events, workshops and courses at times.  See the schedule!

Prayers Offered for My Students, Friends, Family & Others During the Weeks of Christmas & New Year
Dec 30 @ 7:30 am – 8:00 am

Dear Folks;  I will be spending the weeks of Christmas and New Year in a daily practice of meditation, prayer, generous  work, and fasting.  Like you I will be preparing for our life’s transitions; personal transitions in health, evolution of our family, letting go of my classrooms, assembling and offering Blessing Bundles for students, encouraging a better life for all of us socially, economically, environmentally, and politically in the year ahead.

If you would like me to offer prayers for you, loved one(s), or anything else during this time I will be in prayer each morning of these two weeks and would be glad to note your request in my prayer book.  You can be assured that each morning I will be offering prayers that will include those you request.

Below is a form for your prayer request.  You do not need to offer your name because I know some requests might be very personal.  Just make a note of what or who you would like prayer offered for and any details you would like me to include.

Of course you will all be in my prayers regardless.

Much love this season. —  Brant


Morning Prayer Offering


Prayers Offered for My Students, Friends, Family & Others During the Weeks of Christmas & New Year
Dec 31 @ 7:30 am – 8:00 am

Dear Folks;  I will be spending the weeks of Christmas and New Year in a daily practice of meditation, prayer, generous  work, and fasting.  Like you I will be preparing for our life’s transitions; personal transitions in health, evolution of our family, letting go of my classrooms, assembling and offering Blessing Bundles for students, encouraging a better life for all of us socially, economically, environmentally, and politically in the year ahead.

If you would like me to offer prayers for you, loved one(s), or anything else during this time I will be in prayer each morning of these two weeks and would be glad to note your request in my prayer book.  You can be assured that each morning I will be offering prayers that will include those you request.

Below is a form for your prayer request.  You do not need to offer your name because I know some requests might be very personal.  Just make a note of what or who you would like prayer offered for and any details you would like me to include.

Of course you will all be in my prayers regardless.

Much love this season. —  Brant


Morning Prayer Offering


Prayers Offered for My Students, Friends, Family & Others During the Weeks of Christmas & New Year
Jan 1 @ 7:30 am – 8:00 am

Dear Folks;  I will be spending the weeks of Christmas and New Year in a daily practice of meditation, prayer, generous  work, and fasting.  Like you I will be preparing for our life’s transitions; personal transitions in health, evolution of our family, letting go of my classrooms, assembling and offering Blessing Bundles for students, encouraging a better life for all of us socially, economically, environmentally, and politically in the year ahead.

If you would like me to offer prayers for you, loved one(s), or anything else during this time I will be in prayer each morning of these two weeks and would be glad to note your request in my prayer book.  You can be assured that each morning I will be offering prayers that will include those you request.

Below is a form for your prayer request.  You do not need to offer your name because I know some requests might be very personal.  Just make a note of what or who you would like prayer offered for and any details you would like me to include.

Of course you will all be in my prayers regardless.

Much love this season. —  Brant


Morning Prayer Offering


Embrace the Sacred in Your Life in 2021: New Year’s Half-Day Retreat
Jan 1 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Tidal waves of change are in the air.  To lean into this change it will be helpful embody a sense of balance; heart, mind, and body.  Let’s share a morning journey of learning, remembering, and practicing toward balance.

So much of modern life has a quality of transaction; do-this-get-that, pay-for-something-expect-to-get-it.  This builds expectations and a sense of entitlement. Part of life’s elements are like this.  Indeed they are transactional and necessarily so.

Another region of life is that part of us that can stand and flourish in the face of the unknown. That part that longs to meet the unexplainable, to relish the mystery.  Not transactional, not doing-in-order-to-control, but willing to be curious, interested, and open in the face of the many unmet expectations and disturbing unconscious entitlements society seduces  us into.  Particularly during this period social, political, environmental, and perhaps personal turmoil this dimension of our lives is relevant.

It’s the realm of the sacred.  By that I don’t mean religious  though the sacred has been the territory traditionally our source of sacred enquiries and practices.  Our ‘modern world’ has turned farther and farther away from the sacred and more and more toward the transactional.  Often this is to our unbalanced detriment;  difficult moods, broken relationships, a sense of chronic anxiety/stress, projecting our unhappiness on others, and more.

Let’ s spend the morning learning and remembering a bit more about how to bring the sacred elements of life closer.  To invite a bit more balance into our lives.  To encourage the willingness to be steady in the face of the uncertain and unknown.  This is not an exercise in the esoteric but a down-to-earth exploration of the methods of bringing the sacred closer to home without any hint of religion per se.  All these practices can enhance your religious or non-religious life; meditation & prayer, poetry, the practice of gratitude, considering pilgrimage rather than tourism, the rapture of our experience in the natural world, embodied presence during shared time with friends & loved ones in song, dance, and play.  mindful movement, attention to our dreams and more.

We will skate the surface and look beneath the surface of many practices that have proven in research and long-held spiritual traditions to be helpful for our physical, mental, and spiritual health.  We will practice, visit, and encourage one another.  I will provide you with learning materials to help you begin 2021, a year of deep transformation for all of us, with a greater sense of the sacred and in turn a path to more balance in your life.

Hope to see you here. —   Brant


Prayers Offered for My Students, Friends, Family & Others During the Weeks of Christmas & New Year
Jan 2 @ 7:30 am – 8:00 am

Dear Folks;  I will be spending the weeks of Christmas and New Year in a daily practice of meditation, prayer, generous  work, and fasting.  Like you I will be preparing for our life’s transitions; personal transitions in health, evolution of our family, letting go of my classrooms, assembling and offering Blessing Bundles for students, encouraging a better life for all of us socially, economically, environmentally, and politically in the year ahead.

If you would like me to offer prayers for you, loved one(s), or anything else during this time I will be in prayer each morning of these two weeks and would be glad to note your request in my prayer book.  You can be assured that each morning I will be offering prayers that will include those you request.

Below is a form for your prayer request.  You do not need to offer your name because I know some requests might be very personal.  Just make a note of what or who you would like prayer offered for and any details you would like me to include.

Of course you will all be in my prayers regardless.

Much love this season. —  Brant


Morning Prayer Offering


Prayers Offered for My Students, Friends, Family & Others During the Weeks of Christmas & New Year
Jan 3 @ 7:30 am – 8:00 am

Dear Folks;  I will be spending the weeks of Christmas and New Year in a daily practice of meditation, prayer, generous  work, and fasting.  Like you I will be preparing for our life’s transitions; personal transitions in health, evolution of our family, letting go of my classrooms, assembling and offering Blessing Bundles for students, encouraging a better life for all of us socially, economically, environmentally, and politically in the year ahead.

If you would like me to offer prayers for you, loved one(s), or anything else during this time I will be in prayer each morning of these two weeks and would be glad to note your request in my prayer book.  You can be assured that each morning I will be offering prayers that will include those you request.

Below is a form for your prayer request.  You do not need to offer your name because I know some requests might be very personal.  Just make a note of what or who you would like prayer offered for and any details you would like me to include.

Of course you will all be in my prayers regardless.

Much love this season. —  Brant


Morning Prayer Offering


Winter Term
Jan 4 – Mar 14 all-day
Beginning Mindful Yoga Mondays at Noon Online this Winter
Jan 4 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness.

Register anytime through Yoga Hillsboro: Registration, costs, and other details and then Book Online


Beginning Mindful Yoga – Saturdays – Online this Winter
Jan 9 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

The general form of poses, simple flow, introduction to yoga breathing and the practices of mindfulness.

Register anytime through Yoga Hillsboro: Registration, costs, and other details  and then Book Online