Mindfulness-Based Yoga Sessions in Nature Each Monday Evening at 6pm Until the Weather Says Otherwise

September 13, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Let’s meet outdoors and practice in the open air, outdoor sounds, open sky, and perhaps let our feet feel the earth’s surface for a change.  We meet at Bagley Park in downtown Hillsboro.

Book each session individually so you be on the roster and can be notified of any changes in the schedule, especially because of weather.

These sessions are without tuition offered to those who can bring the necessary props, sunscreen, raincoats, and otherwise to be safe and well aligned in an open setting. You may contribute something if you wish though nothing required.  Just show up and share practice!

All levels of practice are welcome though you must (you must!) modify your
movements to be safe for your physical situation. I will share with those who show up in these sessions.   I will count on your patience and abilities to modify your practice and not try to ‘keep up’ which is contrary to our way of practice here.  Just be who you are and practice in your own unique way.

We will observe practical health safety measures so bring a mask, and practice social distancing according to state health guidelines at the time of class.

Here is an example of the mode of practice we might share.