Loving Kindness Talk and Practice with a Local Buddhist Monk

December 1, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

screen-shot-2016-11-07-at-11-51-33-amReduce Stresses through Loving Kindness!

Taught by Sarana Pallebage

Loving Kindness, or Metta, as called in Pali Language is unconditional, inclusive love, a love with wisdom. This is a meditation of care, concern, tenderness, loving kindness, friendship.  A feeling of warmth for oneself and others. The practicing is the softening of the mind and heart, an opening to deeper and deeper levels of the feeling of kindness, of pure love.
Come as you are.  Free and everyone welcome.  RSVP only.  Space is limited.

Pallebage Sarana Thera is a bhikkhu from Sri Lanka. He completed his monastic education and training in Vihara Maha Devi Pirivena, Galle. After completing his education, he taught at the same pirivena for nearly two years. Furthermore, he studied Meditation, Mahayana Buddhism and Chinese language (Mandarin) in Taiwan for three years. Now he is a resident monk and an assistant to the abbot at Oregon Buddhist Vihara, where he conducts children’s dhamma school program and spiritual activities. This is short description about me.  Here is the website for Sarana’s monastery in Hillsboro: Orbvusa.mnbv.org
