Toward a Healing Presence (THP) Course Application

Please review this entire application if you decide to apply for the course complete the application form below. 

The instructor will answer all of your questions at an THP Orientation Session.  You may contact him via this Contact Form

Program Structure:

  • The Orientation
  • The application process on this page
  • 8 hours of class time (one hour one day per week for 8 weeks)
  • Your firm, kind intention to practice each day you are not in class during the Program: at least 15 minutes.  This is at the heart this experiential learning course.

How to attend:

  • You’ll be provided with a link to the Zoom sessions for THP this term after you’ve completed the THP Course Application.
  • I will invite you to set up your space for class at home with appropriate props; chairs, blankets, cushions, and other props to help you find an appropriate level of safety and comfort.
  • You will be sitting for periods on cushions on the floor or in a chair. You will be standing, walking, or laying on the floor in a way that will accommodate your physical limitations. Attend sessions wearing comfortable clothing that will accommodate these activities for your physical abilities.
  • With your registration you’ll be welcomed as Brant’s guest to participate in any of the courses, series, and events you would like to attend here.  This is the list of courses you may attend.
  • Once you have thoroughly reviewed the information above and the general elements of THP  please review the informed consent paragraph below and if appropriate complete the applicant form below that and submit.

Informed Consent:  Please thoroughly review this before submitting your application.

The course includes skill training in relaxation and meditation methods as well as gentle stretching (yoga) exercises. Likewise there will be profession-relevant exercises for healthcare professionals.  During the course you will be asked to practice these appropriate to your abilities only. You understand that if for any reason you are unable to, or think it unwise to engage in these techniques and exercises either during the weekly sessions or at home, you are under no obligation to engage in these techniques nor will you hold Yoga Hillsboro and the Stress Reduction Clinic or the instructors liable for any injuries incurred from these exercises.  You will always be  invited to ask questions and opt in or opt out of any activities. 

Toward a Healing Presence (THP) Application Form

The fields with red stars * are required.  The others are recommended and will help the instructor and you enter the course with a better sense  of understand and commitment.

If you have read and understand the course information above and have read and agree that the Informed Consent paragraph above is an accurate reflection of your intentions and commitments then you may complete and submit the application form below.

After completing this application you  will be provided the Zoom link and other details for the THP course.

This course is sponsored by OHWI AHEC at Pacific University and the cost is free for students, staff, and faculty of Pacific University’s health care related programs.