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First Week 2108; Retreat, Restorative Evening, Free-for-All Saturday. Most Weekly Classes Begin January 7th
First Week 2108; Retreat, Restorative Evening, Free-for-All Saturday. Most Weekly Classes Begin January 7th
First Week 2108; Retreat, Restorative Evening, Free-for-All Saturday. Most Weekly Classes Begin January 7th
First Week 2108; Retreat, Restorative Evening, Free-for-All Saturday. Most Weekly Classes Begin January 7th
First Week 2108; Retreat, Restorative Evening, Free-for-All Saturday. Most Weekly Classes Begin January 7th
First Week 2108; Retreat, Restorative Evening, Free-for-All Saturday. Most Weekly Classes Begin January 7th
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9:00 am Practicing Gratitude: New Year’s Day Retreat
Practicing Gratitude: New Year’s Day Retreat
Jan 1 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Begin the year with the experience of and practicing ways of meeting the difficulties of life with a quality of gratitude. We are of course thankful for so many good things that come our way. …
6:00 pm Deep Restorative Evening
Deep Restorative Evening
Jan 4 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
An evening in gentle movment, progressive relaxation practice, supported restorative postures, readings and more. Thurs., January ; 6-7:30pm; $15. RSVP because of limited space. Hope to see you here  —  Brant
10:30 am Free-For-All First Saturday! Ball Yoga Introduction
Free-For-All First Saturday! Ball Yoga Introduction
Jan 6 @ 10:30 am – 11:45 am
Learn and practice a bit with the yoga ball you got for Christmas, last year, the year before and all the other ones that might have been stilling in your closet!   RSVP because there is …