While still adhering to the principles of breath-centered yoga this class is a softer practice that includes slower movement combined with postures where the body is supported using props (blankets, blocks and bolsters). Practitioners are encouraged to hold the supported postures longer and find comfort in each pose. This is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress from a long day and restore body, mind and heart. Includes some guided meditation.
Gentle/Restorative Fee Schedule:
Drop in – any time during the terms weekly classes: $10 per class.
Class Passes (For the current 10 week term only):
One class/week (10 classes) – $80. Two classes/week (20 classes) – $140
Thanks! Mary To find out more and register I invite you to visit my website at or contact me at [email protected]
While still adhering to the principles of breath-centered yoga this class is a softer practice that includes slower movement combined with postures where the body is supported using props (blankets, blocks and bolsters). Practitioners are encouraged to hold the supported postures longer and find comfort in each pose. This is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress from a long day and restore body, mind and heart. Includes some guided meditation.
Gentle/Restorative Fee Schedule:
Drop in – any time during the terms weekly classes: $10 per class.
Class Passes (For the current 10 week term only):
One class/week (10 classes) – $80. Two classes/week (20 classes) – $140
Thanks! Mary To find out more and register I invite you to visit my website at or contact me at [email protected]
While still adhering to the principles of breath-centered yoga this class is a softer practice that includes slower movement combined with postures where the body is supported using props (blankets, blocks and bolsters). Practitioners are encouraged to hold the supported postures longer and find comfort in each pose. This is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress from a long day and restore body, mind and heart. Includes some guided meditation.
Gentle/Restorative Fee Schedule:
Drop in – any time during the terms weekly classes: $10 per class.
Class Passes (For the current 10 week term only):
One class/week (10 classes) – $80. Two classes/week (20 classes) – $140
Thanks! Mary To find out more and register I invite you to visit my website at or contact me at [email protected]
In this series you will begin learning and practicing the postures, shapes and isolations that make up the foundation of strong bellydance technique. Throughout this series we will also be exploring bellydance as a tool to increase mindfulness as we build new pathways for communication between the mind and body. Bellydance, especially in this holiday series, is an empowering and healing form of movement that will help you connect deeply with your body in a loving and healthy way.
This series welcomes absolute beginners or anyone wanting to explore the restorative and meditative side of bellydance.
To learn more and register please visit:
or email [email protected]
Taught by Malkiera
In this series you will begin learning and practicing the postures, shapes and isolations that make up the foundation of strong bellydance technique. Throughout this series we will also be exploring bellydance as a tool to increase mindfulness as we build new pathways for communication between the mind and body. Bellydance, especially in this holiday series, is an empowering and healing form of movement that will help you connect deeply with your body in a loving and healthy way.
This series welcomes absolute beginners or anyone wanting to explore the restorative and meditative side of bellydance.
To learn more and register please visit:
or email [email protected]
Taught by Malkiera
In this series you will begin learning and practicing the postures, shapes and isolations that make up the foundation of strong bellydance technique. Throughout this series we will also be exploring bellydance as a tool to increase mindfulness as we build new pathways for communication between the mind and body. Bellydance, especially in this holiday series, is an empowering and healing form of movement that will help you connect deeply with your body in a loving and healthy way.
This series welcomes absolute beginners or anyone wanting to explore the restorative and meditative side of bellydance.
To learn more and register please visit:
or email [email protected]
Taught by Malkiera

By appointment only on Thursdays Dec 12th; at one of these times – 5:30, 6, 6:30 or 7pm with Nutritionist Kristin Kinnie MScN, MSW. Make an Appointment

Natural, organic, non-GMO, heart healthy, 0g trans fat – what do these nutrition claims mean? And what do you look for when purchasing processed and/or prepared food at the store?
If you consume any processed food in your diet (we all do – it’s hard not to!), this course will help you understand what’s in your food and how to make the healthiest choices possible when purchasing processed and/or prepared foods. This course will cover how to read labels, understand nutrition claims on packaging, and what to look for/what to avoid. You will walk away with tips and tricks that will help you be a smart consumer who can choose the foods that are best for you and your body, as well as make sure you know what’s in your food J
Tuition is $30. For more information and to register: contact Kristin Kinnie MScN, MSW at Fully Alive Nutrition, [email protected], or 971 770-3400.
Saturday, February 22nd; 1-2:30pm. With Malkiera.
For details and registration: Mindful Bellydance