
Mindfulness Research Here Being Published and Presented


My research papers are listed at the  U.S National Library of Medicine.

You may recall our recent post about the review/position paper coauthored by 15 of us local health care providers, teachers, and MBSR alumni.  The research we did here as a follow up to that review is now published in the Journal of Participatory MedicineMindfulness, Self-Care, & Participatory 
Medicine: A Community’s Clinical Evidence. (See the graphical summaries on the last pages if numbers, correlation matrices and ANOVA tables bore you!)

The paper catalogues and provides analysis of the clinical evidence we have found here in our programs for the long-term benefits of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Program: physical and mental health, levels of self-care, stress-levels, continuity of mindfulness/yoga practice, health care provider observations of patients who took MBSR.  My friend and colleague, Dr. Michael Christopher, with the School of Professional Psychology at Pacific University here in Hillsboro helped with the research and authorship of the paper.  He and I have been invited to present our findings at the Annual International Scientific Conference at University of Massachusetts Medical School near Boston on Friday, April 19th. Reprint of Mindfulness in Participatory Medicine Conference 2013  My MBSR teaching intern, Zeynep Sunbay-Bilgen, helped with the research and paper as well. Our review and position paper about mindfulness in medicine was also recently published:  Mindfulness in Participatory Medicine.

Another paper based on research in my clinic published in 2012 detailed the relationship between self-care and mindfulness: Examining a Proactive Self-Care Index in a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Program.   In mid-2014 I helped author another paper in the journal Mindfulness about the relationship between global health, stress levels and mindfulness.

The program I developed here in cooperation with Dr. Christopher and Lt Richard Goerling of Hillsboro Police, the Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training, has been described in our recent research article in the Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology.

Many heart-felt thanks to the many MBSR participants in my programs who were willing to complete the testing and cooperate with followup surveys in this research.  This will make a huge difference in peoples’ lives as we continue to support folks in our community learning to take care of themselves, be healthier, and stronger in the effective and basic ways learned in our courses here.

Kindest Regards – Brant