
Student Profile: “Life as it is” – Natasha

“I took the MBSR course three years ago and use the skills everyday. This amazes me because so often I try to apply and “keep” new learning from a book, advice from a person or information from a class and my mind is like a sieve and I lose it.  Brant’s gentleness and positive approach were a kind of loving and validation that I still receive comfort and encouragement from. An example is Brant’s imploring us to “just notice that” as we would share about a worry or a fret about something we find intolerable. To actively notice my breath, body, environment and “life as it is” helps diffuse the judging and built-up energy, that are the hallmark of stress and reactivity, so a kind of settling and relaxation can happen. This will be a lifelong practice as I try to accept “life on life’s terms.” I still use the MBSR CD with the guided meditations and take myself on field trips from Portland to Hillsboro to take a Yoga class or participate in an MBSR retreat. This experience continues to enrich my life.”

Natasha Spoden, Portland, Oregon