
NPR Reports on New Study: Yoga is Very Helpful for Back Pain

This radio segment describing yet one more study showing appropriately modified yoga practice to be very effective for back pain doesn’t surprise me in the least!

Yoga was shown to be as effective as physical therapy over a period of three months.  This is a common report by  students here as they learn to practice appropriately.  Listen to some of the lovely comments by folks and doctors who learned the benefits of practice are included in the radio interviews:

Study Finds Yoga Can Help Back Pain, But Keep It Gentle, With These Poses

I’m going to suggest a radical but very common sense way of viewing chronic pain.  It’s the body’s signal that there is a hunger for attention.  Sometimes that will be medical diagnosis and treatment but so very often it’s just the hunger to move generously and appropriately.  Movement is nourishment as long as we aren’t hurting ourselves.  As we nourish ourselves with appropriate movement we become a bit more at home in this body and we suffer less.

Practice Well!  —  Brant